Hamilton Wenham Regional High School has a Community Service requirement for all students beginning with the Class of 2018. There are a required number of hours that must be completed each year to meet the final graduation requirement of 50 total community service hours. The hours are as follows:
50 hours - Freshman thru Senior year
Community Service hours must be performed through a;
1. 501(c) (3) taxexempt charitable organization that apply for and meet requirements set by the Internal Revenue Service. OR
2. Federal, state or local agency that provide some regulatory service or enforcement and are responsible for the oversight and administration of a specific government function.
New community service logging feature! Naviance connects students to x2Vol, a program that will help students:
- find service opportunities
- sign up for service opportunities
- receive reminders
- track progress against goals
- add reflections to their experience
- print an official service transcript
Click here to download powerpoint instructions to connect your Naviance account to x2VOL, our new Community Service tracking program
How students log hours in x2VO: https://myintellivol.desk.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1598832-how-do-i-log-hours-in-x2vol-
Any upcoming community service opportunities will be posted through x2VOL. You can also check out our Community Service Bulletin Board located outside of the Guidance Department.