The 2024/25 Bus Routes
MRMS/HWRHS Bus Routes - 8/28 Update
Elementary Bus Routes
Our school bus transportation provider, Salter Transportation, is now utilizing a computerized routing system. As with any new system, there is a steep learning curve and there may need to be ongoing adjustments in order to provide optimal services.
Please be advised that efficient bus routes require constant development. Our drivers will be surveying the existing route ridership and may need to shift stops and bus numbers as ridership increases or decreases. The District’s and Salter Transportation’s highest priority is safety - but also strive to transport your students in the most efficient and timely fashion.
Late Bus for Middle and High School Students
The late bus will run on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. It will depart from the middle school at 3:30 pm. Stops are determined by the addresses of the students on board so drop-off times will vary each day.
HWRSD Student Transportation Policy
TRANSPORTATION ISSUES (Stops, Routes, Pick up & Drop offs):
Below are a few key pieces of information related to bus transportation:
DRIVER SHORTAGE: As the media has been reporting, there continues to be a shortage of bus drivers across the state and country. Please note that this could result in slight bus delays for all routes and your bus may not always have the same driver. It is our hope that the shortage will be resolved quickly and we will be able to have consistent drivers that you and your students get to know throughout the school year.
"Walking School Bus” -A walking school bus (WSB) is a safe and fun way for children to get physical activity as they travel to and from school with adult supervision. Each “bus” walks along a set route with one or more adults leading it, picking children up at designated stops along a predetermined route and walking them to school. The process is reversed in the afternoons on the way home. It is that simple. Some families may have already done this with their children and would be happy to help more students get to school in this healthy, safe, and fun way.
Walk & Bike to School - Walking and bicycling to school enables children to incorporate the regular physical activity they need each day while also forming healthy habits that can last a lifetime. Regular physical activity helps children build strong bones, muscles, and joints, and it decreases the risk of obesity. In contrast, insufficient physical activity can contribute to chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke.