History & Social Studies
The Social Studies/History Department helps students develop the knowledge and skills needed to better understand the political, economic, and social patterns that have shaped different cultures and eras. Each course engages students in critical thinking, decision making, inquiry, and collaborative learning. By closely examining historical perspectives and social science concepts, students develop the necessary knowledge and skills needed in order to be active, responsible, and informed citizens. Students are challenged to communicate effectively through writing, discussion, and debate. Each semester the Social Studies/History Department offers a variety of electives that allow students to explore topics of interest to them. Requirements1.Students are required to complete three (3) credits in History/Social Science. 2. All students are required to take World History during their freshman year, US & World History I (1700-1900) during their sophomore year, and US & World History II (1870-Present) or Humanities America and the World during their junior year. Each course is equal to one (1) credit. Students may take these courses at the Honors or College Prep level. 3. Any student who fails either a semester of 9, 10, or 11th grade History must either make up the course in summer school or pre approved program. 4. Electives may not fulfill any part of the three year history/social studies requirement. Students are encouraged to take electives if their interest and schedule permit. |
*Course not offered in 2022-2023. Course will be offered again in 2023-2024.
**These are elective courses and do not fulfill any part of the three year history/social studies requirement.
Contact Us
Social Studies Department 978-468-0487